Wednesday, October 1, 2014

First class in U.P!

          The 1st semester of School Year 2014-2015 marked the beginning of my life as a college student. I had chosen Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering as my course because I figured out it was where my potentials and skills lay. Having lack of experience and self-confidence, I prepared myself early for the first day of school at one of the most prominent universities in the country – University of the Philippines Diliman - the best school in the country.

UP Diliman, Math Building
        I don’t remember the day of the week, probably a Thursday, nor the day of the month, but I shall never forget that day as I walked along the corridors of a large building - the math building, with a vast number of students walking and chatting around me. I can’t describe how nervous I was as I walked towards my classroom. I felt like what a probinsyano must feel like walking into the busy streets of Manila for the first time – overwhelmed and scared to death.  The tension and anxiety struck me as I faced the reality that I would be dealing with a lot of new people. It was early, 8:30 am, as indicated on my Form 5 (registration form) that I would be sitting in my first class - math 17, with other freshman students. I felt like I do not belong here.
        As I walked, someone caught my attention. He was sitting by himself so I walked towards him. He looked almost as scared as me; I bet it was his first time there too. He is a freshman mining engineering student, maybe 5”5’ in height, with well styled hair, medium build body wearing a black jacket, his name is Joshua David. He was the first person I spoke to. As I recall, we talked about college life and learned that we have many similarities. Having met each other was probably a good thing because we were able to understand that neither of us was alone in our fright.  It was a good first encounter and from then we became very good friends. He is my first college friend. We talked until we reached the Audio-Visual Room. Before I entered, I stood near the glass door, drank water and took a deep breath. I entered the room head down with my heart beating heavily.

        I found an empty seat at the back. As I remember, I was fixing my things when a woman entered the room. She introduced herself saying “I am Issa Ibarra and I’m your professor for this subject”.  I was amazed by how she oriented us in just 5 minutes. She gave us three things to remember to pass the course – “dream, struggle and become - dream to get uno, struggle to get uno, and you will get uno.” And then she dismissed us. Amazing, isn’t it?
UP Diliman, Kalayaan Residence Hall
As I walked back to the dormitory, I realized that my teacher had a very big point. In relation to my career, I have already built my dreams - to become an engineer; the next step is to struggle and reach for it because if I do my best in everything I know that in the end I will become what I dreamed to be. Every day, I wake up energized by these words I learned from my first class in UP.

by Mark Lesther M. Jacinto
 ( Narration )

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