Monday, October 6, 2014

The Big Event

Last Sunday, September 14, 2014, a major event happened in the Big Dome, Araneta Coliseum, the UAAP Season 77 Cheerdance Competition. Many people have watched this contest, primarily the students of the eight universities which are part of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines(UAAP). These are UP, ADMU, UST, DLSU, FEU, NU, UE, and AdU. I've also witnessed this one of a kind event and the amazing routines each team prepared for the battle. By watching it, I remembered my incredible experience last year, during the UAAP CDC 2013.
It was a rainy Sunday, September 15, 2013, when the cheerdance competition of 2013 happened. It was held in the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City. Luckily, I was able to get a ticket since my PE during that time was Cheerdancing and we're required to watch it live. I'm just a freshman back then and it was my first time to experience watching this kind of event so I was very excited for it.
UP Pep Squad in UAAP CDC 2013
When I woke up that Sunday, I instantaneously prepared all the things I need to bring and I quickly got myself ready to go straightaway to MOA Arena. I can't wait any longer to see the cheerful crowd supporting each pep squad of different universities and the astonishing dance they made to win the trophy everyone wants to get. After my preparation, I left our home already. Nobody can send me to the arena during that time so I just travelled alone by commuting. After waiting for five minutes, I immediately found a jeepney I could ride on. It was just easy for me to travel. Our trip went smooth. When I was to pay the jeepney fare, I looked into my wallet to get money, but I noticed that the CDC ticket was not in it. I panicked at first, but after some time, I was able to calm myself and to think deeply where is my ticket possibly located. Then I remembered that I put it in my envelope which was in my school bag. When this thought came into my mind, I quickly paid my fare and went across the street to go back and get my ticket. After 45 minutes, I came home with a shivering heart beating so fast like a drumbeat. I rapidly got my ticket and travelled again as fast as I could so that I will not be late. After two hours of stressing trip, I finally came to the big event everyone has been waiting for. As soon as I entered the arena, I can already hear the loud sound of the drums being played by the drummers of each team. I saw the excitement on the faces of the audience. I also heard the loud cheers and encouragement of the fans from different universities. I really felt the school spirit and pride by seeing the support of each student to the team of their university, how they uphold them in every possible way they know.
UP Pep Squad in UAAP CDC 2014
The program began and the first to perform was University of the East(UE), followed by Far Eastern University(FEU), then University of the Philippines(UP). Since I am from UP, I delightfully cheered and shouted for the UP Pep Squad when they performed. I am so proud of their performance and I am so happy that I was able to watch it live in the arena. After they presented their outstanding party routine, I received a lot of text messages from my friends telling me that they saw me in TV, cheerfully screaming for UP. One of them even said, “Cyrish, nakita kita sa TV, artista ka na.” This made me laugh and I thought that from the huge crowd MOA Arena had during that time, it's amazing that the camera was once focused on me. It's an assuming statement, but I was just too happy that moment. Another five universities executed their routine after the UP Pep and I could say that they all did well.
When the performances of all the teams were done, they already revealed the results. When they announced that UP Pep Squad was the first runner up, I felt sad because I really hoped for them to be the champion, but eventually, I accepted it and thought that they will get back the trophy again next year. When the program was finished, almost all the people there left but the UP students and fans stayed for a short while and sang all the cheers of all the universities. This act made me even more proud of UP because of the sportsmanship shown by the team. I will never forget how this competition influenced me to be happier with being a UP student.

UP Pep Squad in UAAP CDC 2014
A year after that memorable experience, I could still recall how that day have marked in my life. As I watch the CDC 2014, I cannot stop thinking how glad I was before when I am watching it live. This year, we were still not able to get the first place. Yes, UP Pep Squad was not able to win the eyes and hearts of the judges, but for me, they're more than champions because they won the eyes and hearts of many.

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