Saturday, November 29, 2014


                There are so many organizations inside the university.  When I first decided to join one I was already in my second year.  I figured that I should just use my first year to get myself used to living away from my parents first.  At the time of my second year in college, I was already adjusting pretty well to the university life.  Some of my friends wanted to join an organization, so I thought, why not?
                The organization we decided to join in was an organization for psychology majors, or for people who had at least taken three psychology units, which is equivalent to one class.  There were about 60+ of us applying in the org, and the application process was a tedious one.  As soon as you apply to be part of the organization, they give a calendar of sorts for the application process.  There were so many activities that us applicants needed to do.  But the first week was dedicated solely to the applicants meeting each other and meeting the members.   There was even a ‘tambay log’.  Applicants were required to be at the ‘tambayan’ of the organization for a minimum number of hours.  This was to ensure that applicants would really interact with the members and their co-applicants.  After that, a couple of applicants decided to drop out already.  They thought that the application process was such a hassle.  I’m glad that they dropped out early, because if they thought that the requirement to stay at the ‘tambayan’ was already a hassle, then they would certainly hate the other requirements that would come up next.  As the weeks passed by we were required to do numerous time consuming things that made me question my resolve to continue with the process.  But the requirement I hated the most was that we had to memorize all the basic information of every member and alumni.  If it wasn’t for the constant support of my co-applicants I would have quit.
                I realized during the process how important it is to have a support system.  When times become hard, sometimes all you need is a helping hand.  It also made me have faith in myself---  Faith that I can overcome difficult tasks as long as I do my best.

Nicola Fionna F. Delos Santos

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