Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What class should I take?

                UP offers a wide selection of classes for students to take.  There are more or less a hundred of different electives and majors one can choose from during preenlistment.  I remember feeling so overwhelmed during the first time I opened my preenlistment module.  At the time of my enrollment, students could take any GE course they wanted to take.  The RGEP curriculum was not yet implemented so the number of GE classes to choose were numerous.  There were so many choices that I could choose from to cater to my interests and needs that I did not know what to choose.  All of them seemed interesting to my eyes.
                Since I was so confused at that time, I did what I usually do when I am lost on a subject matter I needed to know about.  I consulted the web.  I found forums that had long threads about the classes and the professors in the university.  They discussed what classes and professors were good, and which ones should students avoid.  From these discussions, I concluded that there were 5 types of classes in the university.
                The first type and most talked about one was the classes that would get you a high grade.    These classes were either easy, or had professors which were quite lenient when it comes to grading students.  These classes were also the ones that had a very high demand when it comes to preenlistment.  So if you don’t get it during the first or second batch run, then you should either line up very early for the subject, beg a professor to let you in his/her class, or just give up on it.
                The second type are the classes which you have to take because they are required on your curriculum.  There is not much to say about these classes.  Whether they are easy or difficult, you don’t have any choice but to take them anyway.  The only thing you can do is pray that the professors offering the classes are good.
                The third type are the classes that you avoid because of the professor.  There are numerous threads that talk about this because it seems that there are some professors who just love giving low grades to students, some even get pleasure from actually failing students.  Though most professors are avoided because of the grades that they give, some are also avoided because they are quite bad when it comes to their teaching skills.  Their methods may be quite boring, outdated, or maybe they just aren’t suited for the job that they have.
                The fourth type are the classes that you take because you like the professor.  This is the exact opposite of the third type.  Students seem to love these professors because they either give high grades, are good at teaching, or maybe even both!
                Lastly, the fifth type are the classes that you take because they are the only ones that fit in your schedule and you have no choice but to take them this coming semester.  They may be hard, and have the worst professors you can possibly imagine, but you have no choice but to take them.  That is of course assuming that you don’t want to be delayed.

                Just like how they say that you can find different types of students in the university, the same can be said for the classes it offers too.

Nicola Fionna F. Delos Santos
Source (Photos)

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