Monday, November 24, 2014

Types of UP Students: where do you belong?

Every one of us has reasons why we do things. We make tons of actions and decisions with accordance to our principles in life. This affects the way how we approach people and handle every situation. Every one of us has a unique identity that makes us different from each other.

Upon entering the University for the very first time, I saw different students coming from different places having different cultures and different attitudes towards studying. Some of them take studying seriously, some are just having fun, or simply chatting. I can categorize them in three. But a student, at a given time, may belong to one or more category.

The first type of student is normal students who, most of the time, are found at the library. If not, they’re at a peaceful place holding their books and reading. Usually, they are the students belonging to those who have an average or below average form of living. Normal students can be grade conscious or contented. The grade conscious ones are more on the results. They are not contented of what they have unless they have the highest score. Let’s just say that they are after their grades and not of what they have learned. Contented ones are those who are after what they have learned. They don’t mind the scores or grades they have as long as they know that they deserved it. Contented students are the opposite of the grade conscious ones.

Another type of student you can see is versatile students who are great balancers. They excel in academics and in all other activities. They are normally at the gymnasium, library, workplaces and their org. tambayans. They know how to manage their time and are very strict on it. They can adapt to their environment easily and can get along well with people. Versatile students can be leader-type persons. Because they are organized, people acknowledge them as persons who can lead a group properly.  But versatile students can also be simply the followers. They are those who choose to be the ones to follow than the ones giving instructions. Versatile students do not stay on a certain field only. They like to discover new things and they love adventures.

Lastly, there are students who go to school but do not really focus on their studies. Sadly, yes, there are students like them. They are given enough allowance but just spend them on computer games, social life, and vices instead of meals and other school requirements. You can’t see them often at school because they are at internet cafés, malls, or anywhere that gives them happiness.  No matter how much their parents ask them to be serious about their studies, they don’t mind itbecausethey only think of what will make them happy. There are reasons why students like them exist. Family problems, friends’ influence and acquaintances are some of the reasons why they put their selves into that kind of situation. Once they start doing such things, they find it hard leaving it, making their situation worst.

Among the three groups, you belong to one of them. It is your principles and decisions that will determine who you are. Think of the benefits and consequences you may encounter as you realize where you belong and where you would want to be. In the first place, respect and do not judge the others because every individual has reasons why, try to understand and you will be enlightened.

By: Mark Lesther Jacinto
(Division and CLassification)
Sources: (Photos)

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